The purpose of conducting a community health needs assessment is to describe the health of local people, identify use of local health care services, identify and prioritize community needs and identify action needed to address the future delivery of health care in the defined area. A health needs assessment benefits the community by: 1) collecting timely input from the local community, providers and staff; 2) providing an analysis of secondary data related to health conditions, risks and outcomes; 3) compiling and organizing information to guide decision making, education, and marketing efforts, and to facilitate the development of a strategic plan; 4) engaging community members about the future of health care delivery; and 5) allowing the charitable hospital to meet federal regulation requirements of the Affordable Care Act, with required not-for-profit hospital to complete a community health needs assessment at least every three years.
6/28/13 Community Health Needs Assessment…click here
6/28/13 Implement Strategy…click here